Henley Business Angels Event Closes 2018 with Inspiring Talk and Pitches at the New Thames Valley Science Park

Henley Business Angels Event Closes 2018 with Inspiring Talk and Pitches at the New Thames Valley Science Park

Members of the Henley Business Angels, a network of business professionals and private investors, came together for the last company presentations event of the year on Thursday 13 December 2018.


Held for the first time at the Thames Valley Science Park, the event attracted members and guests that packed the conference room. The event opened with a short talk from Rhian Burrell, co-founder and Director of Osokey and a graduate of Henley Business School. Osokey, a Thames Valley 50 Game Changers 2018 winner, are changing the traditional oil and gas sector by helping the big players gain greater value from their seismic data and in her talk Rhian revealed how a team sharing a frustration can build a rapidly scaling business.


Rhian’s talk was followed by Chris Adelsbach, Managing Director of Techstars UK and the UKBAA Business Angel Investor of the Year 2018-2019, who delivered the keynote speech. Chris shared his insights of investing in over 100 companies and highlighted that mentorship is critical to successful angel investing. Interestingly Chris revealed his Angel Investing Manifesto, which he described as work in progress, and invited members to help him finish the Manifesto. Follow the creation of Manifesto on the UKBAA website here.

The company presentations were chaired by Andrew Gaule, the CEO of Aimava, HBA member and a Visiting Fellow of Henley Business School. The assembled HBA members heard presentations from five exciting businesses pitching for funding, covering sectors from e-commerce to financial services. The five companies pitching included Crypta Labs, Life Treasury, Little Data, Rabble and TrueInvivo.

The event concluded with an exhibition, with the companies that presented taking advantage of the opportunity to network with members over some tasty Christmas refreshments. Hot food was delivered by QOOQn, a food preparation delivery start-up sponsored by Henley Business School.


To find out more about HBA, please contact:

Jurek Sikorski

Executive Director of Henley Centre for Entrepreneurship and Founder and Director of Henley Business Angels Ltd

Henley Business School

University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6UD

Tel: 0118 378 8188

Email: Jurek.sikorski@henley.ac.uk

LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/jureksikorski


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