Zokri, a B2B Software as a Service Company that Tracks Objectives and Key Results, Receives Investment from Henley Business Angels

Zokri, a B2B Software as a Service Company that Tracks Objectives and Key Results, Receives Investment from Henley Business Angels

Zokri, a company that provides a ‘software as a service’ platform for businesses to create and track objectives and key results, has received investment from a member of Henley Business Angels (HBA), contributing towards their latest funding round.

The software that Zokri have created is designed to help employees within a company align their strategy, goals and tasks. This helps allow for effective collaboration and for managers to support teams and the wider business.

With more employees than ever now working from home, Zokri aims to unify employees by providing clarity on goals, roles and executional plans. Nudges and workflows such as check-ins and meeting management ensure that plans, progress and problems are surfaced and resolved in record time. As well as addressing company-wide productivity through these improvements in priority setting, effort and efficiency, Zokri’s impact on company culture should also not be ignored.

The investment received will enable Zokri to fund its first marketing and sales team, as well as further product development.

Matt Roberts, CEO of Zokri, spoke positively about the news of the investment: “The problems and opportunities of giving managers and employees the tools they need to thrive are well understood and software plays a key part in the solution. The Henley Business Angels team understood the value we bring to business and their support was really useful.”

Jurek Sikorski, Founder and Director of HBA, added: “Zokri has developed a new way of aligning objectives and key results with projects for improving corporate performance. They have already won some notable customers, which is the ultimate validation.”

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